Adam Dickerson, J.C.L., MA

Mr. Dickerson and his wife Sarah live in Willow Grove, along with their seven children. Their oldest daughter, Faith, is a member of the inaugural class at Martin Saints Classical High School.

Adam attended high school seminary and diocesan seminary, where he received his bachelor's in philosophy, before discerning that the priesthood was not his calling. He also has a licentiate in Canon Law from the Catholic University of America.

Three years after seminary, Adam met Sarah in the library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where they both obtained master of arts degrees in theology. Six weeks later they were engaged. Adam knows when to seize the day!

Adam taught moral theology for almost ten years at Archbishop Ryan High School. Next he worked for nearly another decade as a canon lawyer at the Archdiocesan Marriage Tribunal, working with couples on marriage annulments. Working at the tribunal inspired Adam to want to proactively help couples form solid sacramental marriages so that they would never need the tribunal. Before long, working in marriage prep programs convinced Adam that he had a calling to help provide Catholic moral formation to young people long before the threshold of marriage. Today Adam is thrilled to return to high school teaching to better equip young people, including his own children, to run hard after truth, beauty and goodness despite the challenges of our post-Christian era. 
